Friday, March 30, 2007

Things that I find difficult to do...

1. Figure out China's internet filtering: Hey, China, make up your mind: either block or don't, but let's stop this back-and-forth hesitation. Either we are all trying to undermine you or we are not. These things do not work halfway. The revolution must be total and complete.

2. Bike in a wrap skirt: You know, the skirt that is just one long piece of fabric that you wrap around and fasten with a tie? Does not work well with bikes, especially not on windy days! I may have scandalized half the Beida campus and random passersby when I zipped past with entirely more leg exposed than is proper. On the other hand, the Beida campus could definitely use a bit more scandalizing.

3. Figure out Rowling's mental state: What's up with the title of Book 7, "Deathly Hallows"? And do you think JKR and whoever is in charge of Bloomsbury's children division were drunk and/or high when they approved the cover art for the British children's edition? Hermione & Ron look particularly awkward: is he falling forwards or backwards, and why such ruddy cheeks and shiny noses?

4. Go to bed: I can't seem to go to bed before 2am, and it's not for want of tiredness, either. Going to bed just seems like hard work and effort. I have to forcefully exert energy to do it. It's just much easier to continue awake. Really.

5. Enjoy my job: I didn't get hired to edit websites, fix Dreamweaver, or make stupid presentations on the Olympics. Not in the job description. This would all be made better if they gave me Photoshop, but there is only one license in the whole company, and it goes to the girl who does not know how to use it.

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