Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fish babies & the largesses of our ever-friendly apartment

Indeed, things in our apartment keep on multiplying. We continually find that we have gotten much more than we paid for. The gods are generous.

At the outset I agreed to feed their 2 black-and-white mottled goldfish. Then they had 4 fish babies. Then one day I noticed another tiny fish, the "runt." Would he survive? Has he been suffering under my wayward feeding schedule? He did, so that made 7 fish.

Then one day I notiched the fish tank looking cloudier and swirlier than usual. What's this?, I wondered, and proceeded to investigate. They turned out to be the tiniest, most infantile fish babies ever. Not very far from their fish roe state. As it is, they're rather impossible to count, but there's at least 17 or 18 of them.

The fish gods weren't done with us yet. As we were cleaning the tank one algae-filled day, we found yet another hitherto-unknown fish burrowed in the gravel. He looked to be some sort of scaly, anti-social bottom-dwelling fish, keeps the tank clean and all that. He's very well ensconced.

That makes 25 or 26 fish in total. Which, you know, is making me curious about all the rampant fish sex that must be going on.

I'm also trying to name the fish, which is hard when most of them are the size of flyspecks. Being extremely decisive, I went through 5 or 6 names extremely quickly. The only one that seems to have stuck [in my memory] is Darth Vader. My fish can defeat your fish in a lightsaber duel.

(Actually, for the sake of continuity and unabashed dorkiness, I could name them all after characters singled out by FATE to be the Chosen One. The runt will have to be Harry Potter, the proud, angsty one Rand Al'Thor, and the dazed one with half a fin Frodo Baggins, and the pale, pasty fish Neo, although I don't much like Keanu Reeves at all..... But it will be a tank full of fish with Destines, and together they will rule the world!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May fate smile upon your fish with destinies, and their active reproductive lives. :)