Sunday, July 02, 2006

If only the world was on a coffee-based economic system. Then Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia would rule the world!

The biggest post-graduation surpise is that I may actually drink more coffee now than when studying. I have no-one else to thank but the 02138's faithful "coffee custodian" for the daily supply of free office coffee, always happily brewed by the time I wander into the office at 9:38am, 9:47am, 10:02am. Not surprisingly, the first place I head for is the kitchen.

While I wasn't getting paid for about 3 months or so, I could always cheer myself up by thinking of the coffee as my salary. The only downside to this is that the rest of the world doesn't accept this system: You can't pay rent in coffee beans. You can't buy food at the supermarket in coffee beans. In fact you can't get anything for coffee beans except pure happiness, sometimes brightened up by 1 sugar or milk.

Now we even have organic reduced-fat milk to go with the coffee, instead of plain old Hood's whole milk. An encouragement to consumption! Other exciting additions include a shiny, shiny espresso machine that sits in all its glory by the sink. It is amazing. The only drawback is that I don't know how to use it, and no one ever makes espressos in mass quantities. I have resigned myself to gazing sadly and longingly at the espresso machine. Ours is an unrequited but beautiful love. Someday, my dear.

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