Friday, December 01, 2006

And it's apparently December already

*blows dust off toast*

China's proxies mysteriously cut off Blogger for a month or so. Now it's back again, just as inexplicably. Some quick updates on a long stretch of time:

* We had a Thanksgiving dinner, complete with real, half-cooked turkey. Real, half-cooked turkey cost us Y600 and was the most delightful shade of pink half-way down on the inside. It was still, nonetheless, one of the best turkeys I've ever ate.

* Then immediately after it snowed. Woo.

* I have a job. Am now English editor for a German travel company down in Jianguomen. Work is easy, and I treat myself to long lunch breaks with the IT kids, and unsuccessfully battle through crowds on the subway. I now know what it feels like to be a grain of coffee in a vaccum-packed bag—airless.

* But expanses of space also exist: I found myself in large, entirely empty underground passage at night, a little spooky—but I decided to sing "La Pastie de la Bourgeoisie" ("In the autumn cool, say cheerio to school")—because there was no one there to hear.

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