Tuesday, April 24, 2007

in which surprising resemblances to greek heroes are discovered

Like Achilles, I seem to be rather weak in the foot area. I rather excel at injuring my left foot.
(Why just the left?)

Most recently I dropped a drawer on it, but fortunately from a low height. Just prior to that, I got the same foot stuck in the bus door. Rather than screaming or otherwise calling attention to the problem, I stood there in a dreamy daze, thinking to myself, "Hmm, my foot is stuck in the door. This hurts. Quite a lot. I wonder if anyone will notice?" Then after a few moments I realized that I had to open my mouth. (This is typical of me: in high school I sprained my ankle and decided the best course of action would be to Not Tell Anyone.)

And on top of everything, the same disobedient left foot hasn't completely recovered from falling off a bike in Vietnam. My biking skills, on the other hand, have improved admirably in the same span of time. I biked around 18km on Saturday, to the Botanical Gardens and back, and it was surprisingly easy, even. It no longer bothers me that I have to share the road with, god forbid, other bikers, or cars, or motorcyclists. Dare I say I'm ready for the mountains?

1 comment:

meb84 said...

be careful! (of achilles heels and unruly fellow bikers)

speaking of unruly, how did the toast become unruly? i am curious about the story behind the name. :)