Sunday, June 25, 2006

Now begins my wayward attic existence

Hello! Harvard has, somewhat ungraciously I might add, evicted me from Harvard webspace without notice. No advance warnings, no deadlines, just a sudden Forbidden message, you do not have permission! I'm fairly convinced my eviction was unjustly premature: this was in advance of Commencement, and that Sam Lipoff fellow has graduated for years but his website is still alive and kicking, even when he ran off to England.

So once more I am homeless on the Internet because I never got around to finding a host. Hence, this move to the generic convenience of a blog provider, much as it irks my fickle design-obsessed heart.
But the great pity is that I had a whole slew of projects and sections underway for my website, which I never finished and never shall finish! Woe. You'll have to imagine in your head how wonderful it would have been.

However, it is much worse to be homeless in real life, and I've spent the last 3 weeks (h
as it been 3 weeks already??) settling into my Central Sq. apartment. Truly told, the location could not be better. There's a Starbucks, Whole Foods, Toscanini's, 1369 Coffee House, a public library, ethnic restaurants of all stripes and colors, and more than a few unexplored but promising bakeries and bars nearby. Inman Sq. is just a short walk away. It's refreshing to no longer be tied to Harvard Sq. and Harvard people all the time. As for the unwashed and unshaven oddballs lolling about at all hours, they are really quite nice (I fervently hope) and so far I've only seen one fight break out from my apartment window. Oh the view is great from the attic.

So is the heat. And the sunlight. In my free time, I frequently wrestle with my stubbornly broken blinds:

The price of gorgeous blue sky streaming in every morning is waking up bright and early at 5am. What a small price, right? In 18th century France peasants had to pay extra taxes in order to be allowed to add windows to their cottages and hovels.

Here's another picture. Note the slanted ceilings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey shelley! your room looks so nice. i approve :)

it's good to read your writing again. i was just thinking about you today and then i got this update from you!