Monday, July 17, 2006

I smell like Chinese food

Today I made espresso for the very first time in my life. Then I added milk, sugar, and ice, and it became an iced latte. I would like to say that nothing will be the same ever again, but I'm afraid that's not true.

That would be the bright spot in a morning that otherwise involved Chinese food spilling into my bag and mostly onto my leather wallet and my rent check, which I still hadn't mailed after carrying it around for days. So now I have to cross my fingers and hope that my soggy envelope doesn't somehow get mangled by the USPS and arrive in Saratoga Springs intact and legible, with a still cashable check inside. Eek. 

In other news, a Jew's harp is something you play by placing it between your teeth and twanging. Isn't that enlightening?

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